The problem of Fresnel half plane diffraction of semitransparent uniform plane can be approached by reducing or enlarging the known Cornu spiral. 采取对已知科纽卷线缩小或放大等方法,可以处理具有任意T和α值的半透明均匀平面的菲涅耳直边衍射问题。
An Approach of the Cornu Spiral on Fresnel Half Plane Diffraction of Semitransparent Uniform Plane 半透明均匀平面菲涅耳直边衍射的科纽卷线处理方法
Non self_ intersection cornu spiral 不自交的卡螺牛曲线
The physical detail of the interaction between the light field and the atomic system is presented with Cornu spiral of the wave function and the temporal evolution of the real and imaginary part for the wave function. 通过波函数的实部和虚部的关系&Comu蜷线以及随时间的演化规律,展示出光与原子相互作用过程中的物理细节。